Hadronic molecular assignment for the newly observed Ω* state
Yong-Hui Lin, Bing-Song Zou
Physical Review D
Very recently, a new Ω^* state was reported by the Belle Collaboration, with its mass of 2012.4 ± 0.7 (stat)± 0.6(syst) MeV, which locates just below the KΞ^* threshold and hence hints to be a possible KΞ^* hadronic molecule. Using the effective Lagrangian approach as the same as our previous works for other possible hadronic molecular states, we investigate the decay behavior of this new Ω^* state within the hadronic molecular picture. The results show that the measured decay width can be
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... duced well and its dominant decay channel is predicted to be the KπΞ three-body decay. This suggests that the newly observed Ω^* may be ascribed as the J^P=3/2^- KΞ^* hadronic molecular state and can be further checked through its KπΞ decay channel.