Fully coherent energy loss effects on light hadron production in pA collisions

François Arleo, Florian Cougoulic, Stéphane Peigné
2020 Journal of High Energy Physics  
We single out the role of fully coherent induced gluon radiation on light hadron production in pA collisions. The effect has the same general features as for quarkonium production, however with a richer color structure as the induced radiation depends on the global color charge of the partonic subprocess final state. Baseline predictions for light hadron nuclear suppression in pPb collisions at the LHC are provided, taking into account only the effect of fully coherent energy loss, which proves
more » ... to be of the same order of magnitude as gluon shadowing or saturation. This underlines the need to include fully coherent energy loss in phenomenological studies of hadron production in pA collisions.
doi:10.1007/jhep09(2020)190 fatcat:ug4454pslzcfbkovmulpr5zu4i