Successfulness of Slovenian Economomic Transition?

Lea Prijon
2012 Slovak Journal of Political Sciences  
At the beginning of nineties, countries from so-called communist block had experienced transformation process from socialist regime to a democratic one, and transformation from centrally planned economy into a free market economy. Many countries had gone through process of transition, but it had different results and effects on individual countries and societies. The success of transition is strongly linked with country's history and cultural bases; it depends on country's openness to specific
more » ... eforms and on the approach of transition (shock therapy or gradualism). Slovenia was initially seen as a country with the best starting position at the beginning of transition, compared to other countries that went through the same process. However, today Slovenia is facing problems regarding economic system, political system, civil society etc. Today's situation in Slovenia seems to be much worse than it is in some other transition countries with worse starting position. The purpose of the article will be to examine Slovenian transition compared to other countries and detaching factors that disabled its full development.
doi:10.2478/sjps-2013-0005 fatcat:eahru5jk5bfstap5hog2xohprq