Principal Leadership for Private Schools Improvement in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0

Rois Abdul Fatah, Aan Komariah
2020 Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Research of Educational Administration and Management (ICREAM 2019)   unpublished
The purpose of this study is determining the leadership of principals to facing the challenges industrial revolution era 4.0 in private schools and how a leader responds to the challenges of the industrial revolution era 4.0. Workers in all fields in the era of industrial Revolution 4.0 are required to have digital skills, both technical and managerial workforce. This research method uses a qualitative approach with the type of research used is a case study conducted at private school,
more » ... g data through interviews and document analysis, analysis techniques using interactive analysis. The results this research is Innovative and visionary principals that are suitable to be applied to private schools in facing the challenges of the industrial era 4.0 to prepare students who are strong and ready to face the era of industrial revolution 4.0.
doi:10.2991/assehr.k.200130.152 fatcat:wrah5wieaveqzn3fsf3iqhwoe4