The Growth of Rubella Virus in Small Laboratory Animals

J. S. Oxford
1967 Journal of Immunology  
The studies provided evidence for the multiplication of rubella virus in the lungs of the rabbit, hamster, guinea pig and ferret after intranasal inoculation of virus. Rubella virus could be recovered from the hamster lung for as many as 20 weeks after the intranasal inoculation of virus. This long persistence of virus in the lung was not detected in the ferret, rabbit or guinea pig. No evidence of infection was obtained for the chick, the adult rat or the hedgehog, while the results for the
more » ... born mouse were equivocal. No illness attributed to rubella virus was noted in any of the animals inoculated by different routes, and no consistent correlation was noted between the presence of rubella virus in the lungs and macroscopic lung lesions.
doi:10.4049/jimmunol.98.4.697 fatcat:jir6a2guznedhgm52u6obiox6a