Attempt to Measure Boiling Heat Transfer Fluctuation through a Visible-light Transparent Heater by Infrared Thermography

Masaki YOSHIDA, Shunsuke YAMADA, Yuki FUNAMI, Hajime Nakamura
2021 Transactions of the Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers  
In order to establish a technique for measuring high-speed and minute heat transfer fluctuations such as flow boiling in small diameter tubes with an infrared camera, we attempted to measure a boiling heat transfer fluctuation on a visible-light transparent heater. A visible-light transparent heater in which an ITO film with a thickness of 700 nm was formed on an infrared transparent window material (CaF2) was used as a heat transfer surface, and the boiling heat transfer of the falling droplet
more » ... was measured. As a result, it was possible to detect heat transfer fluctuations above 100-200 Hz in time and about 0.5 mm in space. According to the results of this experiment and the heat conduction analysis of the heat transfer surface, it was that it is possible to measure the spatio-temporal fluctuation of the heat transfer in small diameter tubes quantitatively using this measurement technique if a window material of lower thermal conductivity and an infrared camera with a high spatio-temporal resolution are used.
doi:10.11322/tjsrae.21-08nk_em_oa fatcat:mgypqsssebbzzeqkepnicm2rym