The Nanaimo Free Press [Tuesday, December 24, 1912] [article]

(:Unkn) Unknown, University, My, University, My
HAD era •vwj toOjr »ould «ut raeli pri-v|Uk«. AlU. McKiimdU said Uu haU uO«tit to b* grnnicd to tha aioocUUon and there wnu no ared lor the city clerk. The moll,>n hat. A>e*-FergoecB, McKinneU nail Youn*. Soee-Mc-Cavaleky at>d Shepherd. Ik lhi, ncc. 24.-Lord Hardin«(< pass-d a reetleaa ni«hl and It PARK PAVIUO.V. "Jt dftervg Christmas " .......^0 ©nc anb mAi0no CAPTAWyAIES the Imperial Imtmtlrj thia aeeei leapt. Vatea. preeideat o< the Oirepitorm, aaa aiade tha reelpiaBt ot a («kia« the h>r» €t
more » ... )' aet, a b ,a aUver 4; ifroup ul oaalul articlae' aad a ba«»-HfflHf r. i|3 The Street Connnittee reci mmoad . f,.u..d noceaaary Vo inj.-ci morpl.iiie ed the pim 61 »75 axixmdcd la ahowiaif h«n>c little lover ajuiptoma leal nlKhl repairiu* the pavilion near the high ! «iih the above naMiUonal by-i' tha proporttoa neat U luade oa the ^ TURKEY LOSES Be amount ■ ■ MU-. i ■ uiioua poriiona ol real properljr ao heturtUad. coiu.i«kT tlw llle ol the propoeiiuprovenunta will be ar-«""*• t**'® mornln< hut the mua-echool. eh> of hia Khouldrr blaile |» rather Aid. McKenzie aaVo' r ar er-'lv tom. 'Ihe motive of the at-augl.e»ie,| nould "(lU r temi'i l» unknown but it la alaiiel aort re.iulred. What ' that n wumme of trnul le na the re-<«it und. alral.Iea. r eult of the ahifiln; the caidtal waa esliiiMte to do anvlhlmr ree< i>U.v received by mi KiutliHh lioiiiw Aid. Rhetiherd aaid the Ohe l omb waa Ihroan from aim>n,>m would the roughi-nt Iinnl. the l arted at>cct«t..rB and it took cheap oa poHsible. and there would our opinioo lb-I'.lice aoroo tlm.-to aurround the l« a door pul on which would serve The proportion in which the ho'o-e and the awnavin then jiro' a!>-the purpi aa to keep out intrudera. ment on the various portions of real ^ Ravera, native, have ,J|* II aiToeted ^ puriMiae. • * On motion of Aid. Young tno re-"• u . .a e » commendation was adoptiwl . •t*'* honor to be. OABI-K R lU-Afl KST j Your o'ledlent aervanle. KNCiLlSH BKix-iu.xumia The famous BacUah Mind-Bell Rlo-t Will play a r«um enwenent ^ < ** •-Orpb«UA on Christumn IXny-Sir,-' Coal Co" iJtd., MH urpnmim on bnnai^ imy of all the empleye.. of un, .fiemm-' laradry we deeire your acopt-"" «*»t prohtahle to tS^a.::;;iro:rrsi claaa Company ia one ol the ove" alt •ollarda,' lana," "tne lenneaace i>ie« that will be at tha Orpbouni KEGOLARSESSION. -; The Ktivei follows To His Worahi the Orpheum, ______ _____ to a point In the Bay of UaUtra. 'and amualng. The fact that •pTi;»;y *.;;;ei"t:i:T. d;;.;nS;i-7n on th* Black Se,. excludl., the pm-1^, 'Xy'^v:*rrl!f,ed Ull aa before mentioned in our opin fnauU of Gallipoli, and alao that i," chriatmaa in Nanaimo. m in the past and hope al ways te be held la pleeimrahie rw by yon to the luture. lioweni, the c Worship th-Mayor and of the City Council Centlenum.-We. your atreets . mlttiu>. heg t ■ . (erence that the city pay . coat of ronatructiiig 1 llalHiurton a llahle'a rei|ueat was u-thlrd of the a retaining wall retaining wi a from ot I B. BEN.N'ETT. Wty 1 WOOD. City Aid. ForrmUr asked if ihj 8Ch.ije,the linli* to put before the rote-1 payers, or had the Council to i*'-r : it step# for expropriation. .S.i-ue of force# in the pr««it war. Tha Ital-p,i ^own to 60 cenia-Una rweeoi the coaaloo to Orcec.-. al-children haU prlce-lor both day and ;ao all Turkiah righto in Crete. The evening. 'Turi.e ba'e aaked time .. i U the City Mall lust night Or-re Pr"l>frt.v) that no further payment the property owners might^■Mi.wv. to W.. I.ili .fiendanae M the Coun-f'*'*'*'-®t"«' than the price they were going to get for waa n full attendanoo ol the t oun-Coun--•». »» oiner man me price mey weie lo , oresi.1-•auctioned by thecoun-,h"|r property. He moved oai Oiu I p «• Cil for construction of .tet«. in front ^ ; to the p for construction of ateiHi ii his prop Kesinwtfu of his properly. wtfiilly aubraitled. HV. RHKPHKli . Cavntaky said if nobody aiee | aeconded the motion he would do »o. ! The clerk obewed that witbto 60 , MYHEARDESr LAUGH IN W AN nB.n:CTOIl. A. KOIIUKRTK.H. A comm.mlc.tlon received from »-McKINNKI.I.. irs Bird. Darling A l,elghio... '""d." Young, tM^^m«ommcn-days after the acheme was made pub I not read but the cont nta wore d,tion of the street comraitt..e w.a He through the preos property own-i ri """""'-■
doi:10.25316/ir-10314 fatcat:emswkyitd5abtmj3nk242fpu64