Studies on connective tissue tumors in the hamster produced by bovine papilloma virus

N F Cheville
1966 Cancer Research  
Bovine papilloma virus was injected s.c. and intracerebrally in newborn and weanling hamsters. Connective tissue tumors (fibromas, chondromas, and meningiomas) were produced in the subcutaneous regions of the back, pinna of the ear, and the meninges. The tumors did not contain evidence of viral infection when examined by histologie, immunofluorescent, and electron microscopic means. The tumors grew rapidly but remained lo calized and encapsulated. Large tumors consisted of masses of collagen
more » ... ers with a zone of active fibroblasts on the periphery.
pmid:4289172 fatcat:fj4xkn37jzbrtlw2hsma5ludl4