Dephasing in strongly anisotropic black phosphorus

N. Hemsworth, V. Tayari, F. Telesio, S. Xiang, S. Roddaro, M. Caporali, A. Ienco, M. Serrano-Ruiz, M. Peruzzini, G. Gervais, T. Szkopek, S. Heun
2016 Physical review B  
Weak localization was observed and determined in a black phosphorus (bP) field-effect transistor 65 nm thick. The weak localization behaviour was found to be in excellent agreement with the Hikami-Larkin-Nagaoka model for fields up to 1 T, from which characteristic scattering lengths could be inferred. The dephasing length L_ϕ was found to increase linearly with increasing hole density attaining a maximum value of 55 nm at a hole density of approximately 10^13 cm^-2 inferred from the Hall
more » ... . The temperature dependence of L_ϕ was also investigated and above 1 K, it was found to decrease weaker than the L_ϕ∝ T^-1/2 dependence characteristic of electron-electron scattering in the presence of elastic scattering in two dimensions. Rather, the observed power law was found to be close to that observed previously in other quasi-one-dimensional systems such as metallic nanowires and carbon nanotubes. We attribute our result to the crystal structure of bP which host a 'puckered' honeycomb lattice forming a strongly anisotropic medium
doi:10.1103/physrevb.94.245404 fatcat:iptbnwsjrnhmnacagqzt2qzxsm