直接体験を通して酸化還元反応を学習することを目指した授業事例 : 電池教材を中核として
A Case Study Aiming at Learning Oxidation-Reduction Through Direct Experience : Focussing on Electro-chemical Cells as Teaching Materials

2003 Journal of Science Education in Japan  
Direct experience through experimental teaching materials is important for students to acquire scientific concepts . Here we describe a case study conducted at a public high school in Nagano Prefecture . in which our proposed unit program of seven hours class based on the energy concept was administered to students to understand oxidation − reduction through the principle of electro − chemical ce 旺 by a successive combination of five kinds of experiments . Through experiments using daily life
more » ... terials such as crystai earphone and fruits , students not only enhanced their learning wills , but also correlated chemistry with daily life experiences . ALthough students were at first perplexed by experiments deating with unfamiiiar phenomena , they created a common key word from the questi ns they encountered . lnvestigations for answering the questiens made students confident in science study , as they solved the questions by themselves through experiments , and , through the unit program , most students understood the concepts of oxidation − reduction and electro − chemical cell, based on the energy concept . It is thus suggested that our unit program focusing on direct experimental experience is useful for students to gain deeper understanding of oxidation −reduction and the principle of electro − chemical cell.
doi:10.14935/jssej.27.203 fatcat:lzzwd3yehrasvl3w7siuqwj3uq