A hybrid security approach based on AES and RSA for cloud data

Bhupendra Kumar, Jayshree Boaddh, Lata Mahawar
2016 International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration  
In this paper we have proposed an efficient and secure cloud computing framework which support security for the cloud users and data control is being provided at the cloud user side. The cloud user can use the privilege of inter cloud communication with the data security of AES and RSA security hybridization which will provide four key security. The encryption is provided by the server. Then the receiver cloud can view the request file by applying the four keys. If any malicious behaviour is
more » ... ntified before the cloud user read operation then our document identification bit alert the client and server for the possible attack. So this framework supports secure data inter communication with malicious identification also.
doi:10.19101/ijatee.2016.317005 fatcat:afmw3nfvkffjjkcstnx4w67h34