2. "Untilled Field" or "Barren Terrain"? Researching the Portrayal of Jews in Medieval Denmark and Sweden [chapter]

Jonathan Adams, Jonathan Adams, Cordelia Heß
2019 Antisemitism in the North  
This articleo nr esearching thep ortrayalo fJ ewsi nm edievalD enmark andS wedena rguesf or thei mportanceo ft he period foru nderstandingt he breadth, nuances, andhistory of anti-Jewishstereotypes in Scandinavia.Idiscuss ther athers cant previous research on Jews in OldD anisha nd OldS wedish (East Norse) literature andmedievalart.The lack of scholarshipissomewhat surprising giventhe volume of sourcesavailable andthe many typesofinvestigation they invite.Isuggestanumber of themes -theq
more » ... fa bsent-presence,the role of theChurch, andthe medieval legacy -that couldprove fruitful forfuture research andp rovide questionsa nd suggestionsf or howt oa pproacht he material.
doi:10.1515/9783110634822-004 fatcat:cermvw4dazcppk5ijjdu4kckuu