The typification of Lycium inerme

J. H. Ross
1975 Bothalia: African Biodiversity & Conservation  
As the piotologue of Plectronia ventosa L., Mant. 1: 52 (1767), was based on discordant Oliniaceous and Rubiaceous elements, and as P. ventosa has been typified in an Oliniaceous sense, it is no longer possible to use the name Canthium ventosum (L.) Kuntze for a Rubiaceous plant. The correct name for the Rubiaceous plant, previously but incorrectly called C. ventosum, is Canthium inerme (L.f.) Kuntze, with Lycium inerme L.f., Suppl. 150 ( 1781) as the basionym. The holotype of Lycium inerme is housed in the Thunberg Herbarium in Uppsala.
doi:10.4102/abc.v11i4.1490 fatcat:czzszdwqlrh75cisvcvk6u3qo4