Concurrent blind channel equalization with phase transmittance rbf neural networks

Diego Vier Loss, Maria Cristina Felippetto De Castro, Paulo Roberto Girardello Franco, Fernando César Comparsi de Castro
2007 Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society  
This paper presents a new complex valued radial basis function (RBF) neural network (NN) with phase transmittance between the input nodes and output, which makes it suitable for channel equalization on quadrature digital modulation systems. The new Phase Transmittance RBFNN (PTRBFNN) differs from the classical complex valued RBFNN in that it does not strictly rely on the Euclidean distance between the input vector and the center vectors, thus enabling the transference of phase information from
more » ... nput to output. In the context of blind channel equalization, results have shown that the PTRBFNN not only solves the phase uncertainty of the classical complex valued RBFNN but also presents a faster convergence rate.comes the abstract of the paper.
doi:10.1590/s0104-65002007000100003 fatcat:rzixg3rxffhd3p4bc63467cfuq