Clinical identification and severity in patients with COVID-19

María L. Hernández, Raúl Romero-Cabello, Ulises Hernández-Dávalos, Samuel Sevilla-Fuentes, Manuelita Zavala-Pineda, Silvia N. Martínez-Jiménez, Margarito T. Santos-González, Miguel Á. Solís-Bravo, Mario Sierra-Garduño, Joaquín Moreno-Moreno, Juan J. Fonseca Mata
2022 Revista Médica del Hospital General de México  
The clinical evaluation of the patient with COVID-19 allows better care, application of safety criteria and preventive measures. The disease progresses from mild to severe and critical. In this work, is evaluated in patients with COVID-19 clinical format to identify moderate to severe stages of the disease. Following a cohort of male and female patients over 18 years of age admitted to the Infectology Service of the General Hospital of Mexico. Each patient is studied using the "COVID-19
more » ... ogy" clinical format and in the first 24 hours of admission, a real-time RT-PCR molecular test is performed for SARS-CoV-2 infection. 65 patients classified as severe COVID-19 were studied, the RT-PCR was positive in 60 patients and negative in 5, clinical data did not differ from the positive ones and the 5 negative were considered false negative cases of the molecular test. There were no differences between positives and negatives with Fisher's test, and no difference in age, comorbidities, or prognostic evaluation with Student's t test. The conclusion is that the clinical format "COVID-19 Infectology" allows to recognize the cases and identify those that are in a severe evolution.
doi:10.24875/hgmx.21000048 fatcat:65rwpssxcbepjasl3xwarveh2i