The flow-service-quality framework: unified engineering for large-scale, adaptive systems

A. Hevner, R. Linger, A. Sobel, G. Walton
Proceedings of the 35th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences  
Modern enterprises are irreversibly dependent on large-scale, adaptive, component-based information systems whose complexity frequently exceeds current engineering capabilities for intellectual control, resulting in persistent difficulties in system development, management, and evolution. We propose an innovative framework of engineering representation and reasoning methods for developing these complex systems: the Flow-Service-Quality (FSQ) Framework. In dynamic network information systems
more » ... constantly varying function and usage, work flows and their corresponding traces of system services act as stable foundations for functional and non-functional (quality attribute) specification, design, and operational control. Our objective is to provide theoretical foundations, language representations, and rigorous yet practical unified engineering methods to represent and reason about system flows as essential artifacts of system specification, design, and operation.
doi:10.1109/hicss.2002.994480 dblp:conf/hicss/HevnerLSW02 fatcat:mtp2rzlidfbdpma4y2dguats7q