International Law and the Third World [book]

Richard Falk
After a detailed examination of the unique position of the emerging nations, the "third 'world," Professor Fatouros urges that the Western nations should undertake a change in approach and a reassessment of the objectives of international law since the present situation of international society is so dissimilar to that in which the law evolved. He concludes that special, new rules should be formulated, based on a broad and positive consideration of the urgent need of the emerging nations to
more » ... lop their natural resources as effectively and as rapidly as possible-a need 'which international law must take into account if it is to be meaningful to the third world nations and if they are expected to be effective, responsible members of the international legal community.
doi:10.4324/9780203926512 fatcat:ejhvcoffebblhdwdziovv5o3ge