Definition of the relativistic geoid in terms of isochronometric surfaces

Dennis Philipp, Volker Perlick, Dirk Puetzfeld, Eva Hackmann, Claus Lämmerzahl
2017 Physical Review D  
We present a definition of the geoid that is based on the formalism of general relativity without approximations; i.e. it allows for arbitrarily strong gravitational fields. For this reason, it applies not only to the Earth and other planets but also to compact objects such as neutron stars. We define the geoid as a level surface of a time-independent redshift potential. Such a redshift potential exists in any stationary spacetime. Therefore, our geoid is well defined for any rigidly rotating
more » ... ject with constant angular velocity and a fixed rotation axis that is not subject to external forces. Our definition is operational because the level surfaces of a redshift potential can be realized with the help of standard clocks, which may be connected by optical fibers. Therefore, these surfaces are also called isochronometric surfaces. We deliberately base our definition of a relativistic geoid on the use of clocks since we believe that clock geodesy offers the best methods for probing gravitational fields with highest precision in the future. However, we also point out that our definition of the geoid is mathematically equivalent to a definition in terms of an acceleration potential, i.e. that our geoid may also be viewed as a level surface orthogonal to plumb lines. Moreover, we demonstrate that our definition reduces to the known Newtonian and post-Newtonian notions in the appropriate limits. As an illustration, we determine the isochronometric surfaces for rotating observers in axisymmetric static and axisymmetric stationary solutions to Einstein's vacuum field equation, with the Schwarzschild metric, the Erez-Rosen metric, the q-metric and the Kerr metric as particular examples.
doi:10.1103/physrevd.95.104037 fatcat:qclxoxoxwnfgpm6y4j3h72ip54