Relating Product Line Context to Requirements Engineering Processes Using Design Rationale

Samuel Fricker, Reinhard Stoiber
2008 Software Engineering  
Thed esigno fe ngineeringp rocessesi sd ependent on thec ontext they ared esigned for. This paperp resentst he resultso fa na ctionr esearchs tudy that used designr ationalet od iscoveranumbero fc ontextualf actors that provide criteriaf or designing ar equirementse ngineeringp rocess in ag iven productl ine environment.T he presentedc ontext dimensions and process design argumentation provide astartingpoint for understanding product linecontext andhow supporting engineering processes aredesigned, communicated, andevaluated.
dblp:conf/se/FrickerS08 fatcat:ghlawllqrbe6liwav34uxncuum