Raman Microscopy and Remote Laser Raman Spectroscopy in Art History and Conservation Science: Analysis of Three Illuminated Gutenberg Bibles

G. D. Smith, T. D. Chaplin, R. J. H. Clark, K. Jensen, D. Jacobs
2002 Microscopy and Microanalysis  
Raman microscopy has proven uniquely suited for the identification and study of mineral and organic pigments in art historical research and conservation science [1] . The qualities that make this technique appropriate to the study of artefacts and artwork include its molecular specificity, high spatial resolution (= 1 µm), broad spectral range (4000 to 10 cm -1 ), and non-destructiveness. Recent instrumental advances that include highly efficient optics, sensitive CCD detectors, compact
more » ... ared (NIR) lasers, and remote laser probes have improved immensely the spectral quality of these systems while reducing instrument size and measurement time and facilitating the application of the technique to the study of non-uniform or large samples [2, 3] . These improvements have led to increased interest in Raman microscopy and remote Raman spectroscopy among conservation scientists and archaeometrists.
doi:10.1017/s1431927602104284 fatcat:4t7x345olbcwpfz3r757jyjcha