Knowledge Management Readiness for Private University: A Conceptual Model

Faradillah, Aprinaldi
2019 Journal of Physics, Conference Series  
This study proposes a conceptual model of Knowledge Management Readiness for private universities in Palembang, through the dissemination of questionnaires at three private universities in Palembang, this study succeeded in providing the new color for previous KM research. Culture and structure of the organizations that have always been important factors in implementing KM are not actually considered significant in these three private universities, in the other hand the orientation towards the
more » ... ystem is considered to be insignificant in influencing the KM process. KM process with several enablers submitted proved to have an effect on the readiness to implement KM.
doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1196/1/012052 fatcat:lymk45o675apnlh4piduj7y4ha