Twinned-domain-induced magnonic modes in epitaxial LSMO/STO films

Erik Wahlström, Ferran Macià, Jos E Boschker, Åsmund Monsen, Per Nordblad, Roland Mathieu, Andrew D Kent, Thomas Tybell
2017 New Journal of Physics  
Thermodynamic conditions during growth determine the magnetic anisotropy in epitaxial thin-films of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 J M Vila-Fungueiriño, Cong Tinh Bui, B Rivas-Murias et al. Review and prospects of magnonic crystals and devices with reprogrammable band structure M Krawczyk and D Grundler Splitting of spin-wave modes in thin films with arrays of periodic perturbations: theory and experiment R A Gallardo, A Banholzer, K Wagner et al. Brillouin light scattering studies of 2D magnonic crystals S
more » ... chi, G Gubbiotti, M Madami et al. Investigation of ferromagnetic heterogeneities in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 thin films S Mercone, M Belmeguenai, S Malo et al. Geometrical complexity of the antidots unit cell effect on the spin wave excitations spectra M Zelent, N Tahir, R Gieniusz et al. Ferromagnetic resonance in Mn5Ge3 epitaxial films with weak stripe domain structure R Kalvig, E Jedryka, P Aleshkevych et al. Abstract The use of periodic magnetic structures to control the magneto-dynamic properties of materialsmagnonics-is a rapidly developing field. In the last decade, a number of studies haveshown that metallic films can be patterned or combined in patterns that give rise to well-defined magnetization modes,whichare formed due to band folding or band gap effects. To explore and utilize these effects in a wide frequency range, it is necessary to pattern samples at the sub-micrometer scale. However, it is still a major challenge to produce low-loss magnonic structures with periodicities at such length scales. Here, we show that for a prototypical perovskite, La 0.7 Sr 0.3 MnO 3 , the twinned structural order can be used to induce a magnetic modulation with a period smaller than 100 nm, demonstrating a bottomup approach for magnonic crystal growth.
doi:10.1088/1367-2630/aa70af fatcat:gsjojbakbbe23hyueou5zw7hum