A Systematic Review of Excessive Speed Monitoring and Control System for Accident Prevention on Cameroon Highways

Azeh Gerald, Innocent Ndoh Mbue, Ayissi Zacharie Merlin, Awa Terence Achiri
2022 World Journal of Engineering and Technology  
Road safety is still an important issue with road accidents among the leading causes of death accounting for more than 1.2 million fatalities and 50 million injuries globally per year. Of these casualties, speeding is a substantial contributing factor. Nowadays, speed reduction is mainly achieved through speed law enforcement measures. The review is aimed at examining the different enforcement approaches used to control and monitor excessive speeds on highways at large and particularly in
more » ... on. A systematic search was performed in Science Direct, Elsevier, google scholar, scientific research, and Springer, ResearchGate, Scopus, and PubMed databases. Furthermore, references of selected articles were reviewed to maximize the rate of articles found. The details of the research articles were generated using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) flow chart. The results show that of 658 retried articles, duplicates of 458 were excluded and 200 were screened. A total of 61 and 40 articles were screened from abstract and full pdf text respectively. Finally, 15 relevant studies were included in the study. The review revealed that the included articles on speed enforcement on the highway were limited to sanctioning defaulters for fine payments.
doi:10.4236/wjet.2022.101002 fatcat:fgpcf2lfdjapjem6y7qyvktlgm