Feature-specific biometric sensing using ceiling view based pyroelectric infrared sensors

Tong Liu, Jun Liu
2012 EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing  
This article presents a feature-specific infrared sensing paradigm and its application in building a lightweight human biometric detection system for wireless sensor network (WSN). The proposed paradigm exploits the novel use of pyroelectric infrared (PIR) sensor arrays in pursuit of unifying motion detection and biometric sensing with a ceiling view based fashion. Three PIR sensors with compound-eye structured field of view (FOV) are used to organize the biometric feature acquisition. The
more » ... cation of the proposed sensing paradigm to lightweight biometric sensing is addressed in the context of the path-constrained walker recognition with the vector quantization (VQ) method. Experimental studies are conducted to validate the proposed method.
doi:10.1186/1687-6180-2012-206 fatcat:opsnt36fnvg27owt2bg7qo3ova