Relative values: the words about 'non-western' art

Rebecca Coombes
1995 Art Libraries Journal  
A survey of holdings of non-Western art in British, and some North American, art libraries has by and large confirmed that it is poorly represented, and thatcontemporarynon-Western art is especially neglected. Libraries' freedom to acquire material in this broad area may be restricted or defined by curricula, the interests of clients, and the availability of material, yet libraries which allow themselves to be thus constrained present a distorted and impoverished view of world art. Library
more » ... ification schemes tend to favour Western art, with non-Western art sometimes being relegated to 'crafts' or 'anthropology', while subject descriptors sometimes employ inappropriate terminology.
doi:10.1017/s0307472200009469 fatcat:phljxxh5ybemzbx2lygcikbz2i