Using a virtual digital board to organize student's cooperative learning [report]

Dmytro M. Bodnenko, Halyna A. Kuchakovska, Volodymyr V. Proshkin, Oksana S. Lytvyn
2020 unpublished
The article substantiates the importance of using a virtual digital board to organize student's cooperative learning in the conditions of distance education, incl. social distance (for the quarantine period 2020). The main advantages of using a virtual digital board are outlined and their functions for the organization of cooperative education are compared. An analysis of the benefits of using virtual digital boards and a survey of experts made it possible to identify the most popular virtual
more » ... gital boards: Wiki-Wall, Glogster, PadLet, Linoit, Twidla, Trello, Realtimeboard (Miro), Rizzoma. The comparison of the functions of virtual digital boards outlines their ability to organize students' cooperative learning. The structure of the module E-Learning "Creating education content with tools of virtual digital board Padlet" is presented in the system LMS Moodle. The results of the experiment are presented, which show the effectiveness of the use of instruments of the virtual digital board to organize student's cooperative learning. Perspectives of researches in developing methods of using a virtual digital board by students of natural-mathematical specialties are determined.
doi:10.31812/123456789/4419 fatcat:ztl6ymrzpzd7taat3sotvvqaxm