Czy kar jest za dużo? Wokół Douglasa Husaka koncepcji kryminalizacji

Michał Peno
2019 Opolskie Studia Administracyjno-Prawne  
The author endeavours to make a critical reflection on the concept of criminalization as formulated by Douglas Husak. D. Husak's views on criminal policy are presented in a wider philosophical context and juxtaposed with assumptions of basic critical trends in criminal law science. Also, some suggestions are formulated to supplement Husak's concept, who points out, above all, when punishment should not be applied. A supplement to Husak's idea is a somewhat perverse attempt to collect model
more » ... tions, in which recognition of an act as a crime can be justified (which the author himself tried to avoid). In addition, the article attempts to combine the philosophy of law with criminal policy and indicates the need to take into consideration philosophical foundations of criminal law policy.
doi:10.25167/osap.1186 fatcat:osvh2j4kszbwzfwne6zg6mpp7q