Comparative Analysis of Properties and Microstructure of the Plastically Deformed Alloy Inconel®718, Manufactured by Plastic Working and Direct Metal Laser Sintering

K. Żaba, S. Puchlerska, M. Kwiatkowski, M. Nowosielski, M. Głodzik, T. Tokarski, P. Seibt
2016 Archives of Metallurgy and Materials  
Nickel superalloys as Inconel® are materials widely used in the aerospace industry among others for diffusers, combustion chamber, shells of gas generators and other. In most cases, manufacturing process of those parts are used metal strips, produced by conventional plastic processing techniques, and thus by hot or cold rolling. An alternative technology allowing for manufacturing components for jet engines is the technique of 3D printing (additive manufacturing), and most of all Direct Metal
more » ... ser Sintering, which is one of the latest achievement in field of additive technologies. The paper presents a comparative analysis of the microstructure and mechanical properties of the alloy Inconel®718 manufactured by plastic working and Direct Metal Laser Sintering technology, in the initial state, after deformation and after heat treatment.
doi:10.1515/amm-2016-0026 fatcat:ecj3kazamvdyrhybqvy4twmlwm