Lagniappe: North Caroliniana: Storming the Hill: North Carolina Librarians Become Lobbyists for a Day

Suzanne Wise
2009 North Carolina Libraries  
"It was exciting!""I felt I made a difference.""It was empowering.""It is probably one of the most important things I have ever done as a librarian."These and similar reactions were shared by six librarians from North Carolina who participated in "Plant Grassroots @ Your Library" on May 7, 2002, the 28th annual National Library Legislative Day sponsored by the American Library Association (ALA) to put librarians and legislators in touch with each other. Librarians from all over the United
more » ... converged on Washington, DC, to meet their legislators and discuss issues important to libraries and their constituents.
doi:10.3776/ncl.v60i1.243 fatcat:sgqjsze7dvhpncfrg7vh73j2fm