The cause of the abnormal reaction of clinical chemistry was confirmed by electrophoresis

Masanori Seimiya, Yachiyo Endo, Mariko Watanabe, Haruna Asano, Saori Honda, Yoshitake Suzuki, Toshihiko Yoshida, Yuji Sawabe, Kazuyuki Matsushita, Fumio Nomura
2016 Electrophoresis Letters  
Electrophoresis has been less commonly employed in laboratories. Reasons for this include its complicated procedures, high cost, and the advent of other specific tests. However, the use of electrophoresis is convenient and effective to elucidate the causes of abnormal biochemical values. In addition, no subsequent scrutiny is required when the causes of abnormalities can be identified by electrophoresis, reducing patients' burdens and worries. In this article, to verify the usefulness of
more » ... phoresis in routine laboratory tests, we examined cases for which electrophoresis was successfully employed to elucidate the causes of abnormal biochemical values in our hospital.
doi:10.2198/electroph.60.27 fatcat:6n263o2zu5dermqj6v5wn7bdwa