Correlation Between Spot Urine Sodium, 24 Hour Urinary Sodium and Food Frequency Questionnairein Estimation of Salt Intake in Healthy Individuals

Jaafar Maryam Kamiliah, Nordin Nani, Abdul Rahman Abdul Rashid
2020 International Journal of Human and Health Sciences  
Background:Salt intake is a known contributor to increased blood pressure. However, it is rarely monitored in clinical practice. 24-hr urinary sodium (24-HrNa) is the gold standard method to estimate salt intake but this method is rather burdensome.Objective: The objective of this study is to correlate between spot urine sodium (SUNa), 24-HrNa and Na intake estimation by food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) (FFQNa).Methods : 430 healthy participants aged between 20-40 years old were recruited.
more » ... ond morning voided urine samples were obtained from all participants to estimate SUNa. 24-HrNa samples were obtained from 77 out of 430 participants. All participants were required to answer a validated FFQ. Urine samples were analysed for Na using indirect ion-selective electrode (ISE) method. Daily sodium intake was calculated from the FFQ.Results:The mean daily sodium intake from 24-hrNa (n=77) was 155 mmol/day, SUNa (n=430) was 158 mmol/L and FFQNa (n=430) was 271 mmol/day. There was a moderate correlation between SUNa and 24-hrNa (ρ = 0.62, P < 0.000). No correlation was seen between both 24-hrNa and SUNa with FFQNa (ρ = 0.035, P = 0.768 and ρ = 0.026, P = 0.597 respectively).Conclusion: Spot urine Na is a simple cost-effective method to estimate daily Na intake and has the potential to replace 24-hour urinary Na.International Journal of Human and Health Sciences Vol. 05 No. 01 January'21 Page: 74-80
doi:10.31344/ijhhs.v5i1.237 fatcat:wo4hvnym5zgipehkdrc3gpoeyi