Discussion on Texture Coordinate for Displacement Mapping of Micro-Geometry of Human Skins onto Face Models

Miki IMAI, Takayuki ITOH, Naruhito TOYODA
2021 ITE Technical Report  
We have been studying representation of micro-geometry of human skins applying computer graphics technologies. The technique generates micro-geometry of human skins including pores, furrows, and ridges, and renders on face models applies a displacement mapping technique. We need to suppose that appropriate texture coordinate values are calculated on the vertices of face models; however, it often happens that face models do not have appropriate texture coordinates. Therefore, we had an
more » ... to calculate texture coordinate values of the face models applying a simple cylinder coordinate system. This paper reports our subjective evaluation of the quality of displacement mapping result/ Keyword Micro-geometry of human skins, texture coordinate, displacement mapping
doi:10.11485/itetr.41.12.0_283 fatcat:pcaxtdknuzcfzncy3wrhv3jqq4