Indication for differential sorting of the rat v-SNARE splice isoforms VAMP-1a and -1b

Fiona R. Rodepeter, Susanne Wiegand, Hans-Georg Lüers, Gabriel A. Bonaterra, Anson W. Lowe, Michael Bette, Ralf Jacob, Robert Mandic
2017 Biochemistry and Cell Biology Biochemistry and Cell Biology expressed in a minor subset of singular vesicles, which sporadically appear to colocalize with the exocyst marker EXOC3/Sec6. Since vesicular structures were seen that expressed only one of the two splice variants, it is possible that VAMP-1a and VAMP-1b are sorted to distinct cellular compartments which require further characterization.
doi:10.1139/bcb-2016-0184 pmid:28314111 fatcat:qrnicbthrfcezoegkcedchyfli