Poster Propaganda in the System of Modern Political Communication
Плакатная пропаганда в системе современных политических коммуникаций

A.A. Korobov, M.E. Shestakov
2017 Vestnik Povolzhskogo instituta upravleniya  
The poster form of political propaganda in the network telecommunications space is considered. Features of the use of propaganda posters in the modern system of political communications are analyzed, the dependence of the effectiveness of poster propaganda on the communication characteristics of the political space is revealed. The appropriateness of using the method of "targeted" poster propaganda under the conditions of informational oversaturation of the political and communication
more » ... t is substantiated. Key words and word-combinations: political propaganda, propaganda poster, political communications, ideological influence.
doi:10.22394/1682-2358-2017-3-108-117 fatcat:56yn3dgm35cxvlpbeswtekutaa