Sequence planning for the fido mars rover prototype

P.G. Backes, J.S. Nonis, M. Powell, K.S. Tsot, G.K. Tharp, R.C. Leger
2003 IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings (Cat. No.03TH8652)  
A planetary rover operations system has been developed and verified in terrestrial rover field tests. The Web Interface for Telescience (WITS) provides visualization of downlink data and rover command sequence generation. WITS also provides collaborative sequence generation by distributed Internet-based users. The Parallel Telemetry Processing (PTeP) system processes downlink data from the rover and places the data products in a database. The Multimission Encrypted Communication System (MECS)
more » ... ovides communication between the primary operations center and geographically distributed Internet-based users. The operations system was used to visualize downlink data and generate command sequences for the Field Integrated Design and Operations (FIDO) rover in desert field tests. Complex surface operations expected of future Mars rover missions were demonstrated in the field tests.
doi:10.1109/aero.2003.1235475 fatcat:k425vy3zrjhjblkcij333dx2d4