Interacting in a context of war: Communication Spaces in Idlib

Enrico De Angelis, Yazan Badran
2016 Confluences Méditerranée  
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more » ... ord préalable et écrit de l'éditeur, en dehors des cas prévus par la législation en vigueur en France. Il est précisé que son stockage dans une base de données est également interdit. Interacting in a context of war: Communication Spaces in Idlib As the traditional communication infrastructure in Syria collapsed shortly into the 2011 civil conflict, new mixed environments emerged to replace it. In this context Syrians were forced to experiment with innovative and creative ways of exchanging information and of keeping in contact with each other. In particular they combine different technologies and tools, both old and modern, to achieve a functional and efficient communication space. These tools include everything from hand-to-hand mail to walkie-talkie broadcasts, and from face-to-face communication to community radios. This article aims to analyze, through a sociological-ethnographic approach, the practices of communication in Syria focusing in particular on the region of Idlib.
doi:10.3917/come.099.0149 fatcat:d4j4wtkj5vhkxfvuml4dn5iyu4