The Language is the Tree, the Dialects are Its Lymph

Diana Kastrati, Aida Gjinali
2014 Journal of Educational and Social Research  
Sociolinguist reflections on the balance language/dialect relying as a point of reference on the book: "The tongue goes where the tooth aches" Tullio de Mauro, the Italian linguist well known in Europe, in an unusual but interesting book published in Italy in November 2013, discusses on the famed issue language/dialect with the other contemporary Sicilian writer, also internationally known, Andrea Camilleri. The free standings of both interlocutors, each one in its position, respectively as an
more » ... cademic linguist and writer, brings a sum of very important conclusions regarding the argument mentioned above. In the light and optics of some of these conclusions, we will try to look more closely at how the current situation in Albania appears on this report. The heated debate in academic and non-academic districts on the possibility of reviewing the standard Albanian language, has brought an unprecedented cacophony of opinions. This debate has brought the need to really understand what the language is and what the dialect is. What is our approach to one or another? Till what point is it permissible to include in this debate the media or the massive non-specialized population in this field? Is there a risk that the "politicized" or even simply passionate treatment of this issue will have consequences on the future of the Albanian standard language or its dialects? Thus, we will try to see all this report through the clear sociolinguistic optics. This will constitute the focus of this study venture.
doi:10.5901/jesr.2014.v4n4p225 fatcat:ixzzd72dfbhbnep7sobed3f6bq