The Perceptions of Special Education Teachers Working in Psychiatric Hospitals about Integrating a Children's Book about Mental Disorders in the Curriculum

Baratz Lea
2016 Issues in Social Science  
This study examined the issue of using a children's book as a mediating tool for working with children with a mental disorder who attend schools located within psychiatric hospitals. How they use to implement the book in the lesson, how parents collaborated with the teachers in the process of teaching this book. Teachers in the special education framework lack the necessary tools to cope with the emotional world of children who have a mental illness. A module on the subject of bibliotherapy and
more » ... the use of children's books as a mediating tool should be added to the training program for special education teachers.
doi:10.5296/iss.v4i2.10493 fatcat:3pwfcxmhbrd6hbmhkruhthgpzm