The Meaning of Functions in the Beretes Traditional Ceremony of the Lombok Sasak Tribe (A Roland Barthes's Semiotics Study)

Abdullah, I Ketut Sunarya
2021 Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Arts and Arts Education (ICAAE 2020)   unpublished
The cultural diversity inherited from ancestors has certainly become an invaluable resource for this nation. One of the cultural resources passed down from ancestors is traditional ceremonies. The Beretes traditional ceremony of the Lombok Sasak Tribe is one of the ceremonies that is still held by some parts of society. This study aims to describe the meaning of the Beretes traditional ceremony functions of the Lombok Sasak tribe. This is a qualitative research using a semiotic approach.
more » ... tions and interviews were conducted to obtain data on Beretes traditional ceremony. Data analysis employed data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions or verification. The findings reveal that there is meaning in the Beretes traditional ceremony functions of the Lombok Sasak tribe as it contains social and moral values, while also serves as a social control on the society to prevent disgraceful deeds.
doi:10.2991/assehr.k.210602.051 fatcat:s2hlmbmocvd6hfocpyzeg2oj74