Straightforward access to biocompatible poly(2-oxazoline)-coated nanomaterials by polymerization-induced self-assembly

Dao Le, Friederike Wagner, Masanari Takamiya, I-Lun Hsiao, Gabriela Gil Alvaradejo, Uwe Strähle, Carsten Weiss, Guillaume Delaittre
2019 Chemical Communications  
We report the synthesis of poly(2-ethyl-2-oxazoline)-based (PEtOx) nanoobjects by polymerization-induced self-assembly (PISA). First, well-defined PEtOx macromolecular chain transfer agents were synthesized by cationic ring-opening polymerization and click chemistry. The photoinitiated...
doi:10.1039/c9cc00407f fatcat:2oydy5feo5hnxeob5obxlzobry