Data Mining Application Design Using K-MEANS and Exponential Smoothing Algorithm for Predicting New Student Registration

Fajar Masya, Hendra Prastiawan, Krisna Cipta Raksa
2017 International Research Journal of Computer Science  
Mercu Buana University Campus D is part of Mercu Buana University which began the operational in 2013. Since 2013 until 2017, Mercu Buana University Campus D still got less than a target about getting the new student.This can be due to various things including the lack of precisely marketing strategy undertaken.Therefore, in this study the authors make an application by implementing the concept of data mining using clustering and forecasting methods to obtain information from existing data
more » ... trants. So, the information can be used by decision makers to determine effective and efficient marketing strategies. The k-means algorithm will assess the quality of an object so that in one cluster have objects that are similar to each other but different from other objects that are in another cluster (Han et al, 2012: 451).The k-means algorithm is as follows:
doi:10.26562/irjcs.2017.jycs10081 fatcat:vkolemhbbrdy3ayj7htaneqofy