Real Time Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Detection of Fumarase Activity using Parahydrogen-Hyperpolarized [1-13C]fumarate [post]

James Eills, Eleonora Cavallari, Carla Carrera, Dmitry Budker, Silvio Aime, Francesca Reineri
2019 unpublished
Hyperpolarized fumarate can be used as a probe of real-time metabolism in vivo, using carbon-13 magnetic resonance imaging. Dissolution dynamic nuclear polarization is commonly used to produce hyperpolarized fumarate, but a cheaper and faster alternative is to produce hyperpolarized fumarate via PHIP (parahydrogen induced polarization). In this work we <i>trans</i>-hydrogenate [1-<sup>13</sup>C]acetylene dicarboxylate with <i>para</i>-enriched hydrogen using a commercially available Ru catalyst
more » ... in water to produce hyperpolarized [1-<sup>13</sup>C]fumarate. We show that fumarate is produced in 89% yield, with succinate as a side product in 11% yield. The proton polarization is converted into <sup>13</sup>C magnetization using a constant adiabaticity field cycle, and a polarization level of 25% is achieved using 86% <i>para</i>-enriched hydrogen gas. We inject the hyperpolarized [1-<sup>13</sup>C]fumarate into cell suspensions and track the metabolism. This work opens the path to greatly accelerated preclinical studies using fumarate as a biomarker.
doi:10.26434/chemrxiv.9827336.v1 fatcat:z4bjudd5fzchrcsh3ggvvap4fy