Descriptive-Analytical Studies of Literacy Movement in Indonesia, 2003-2017

Anas Ahmadi, Bambang Yulianto
2017 unpublished
This descriptive research explores literacy development in Indonesia. The development of literacy in Indonesia is reviewed from (1) literacy research; (2) literacy books; (3) literacy application in schools; and (4) government's role in literacy movement. This research uses desciptive-qualitative approach. The data is information / material that linked with literacy movement in Indonesia. Data collection techniques are conducted by (1) searching for research article (journal) about literacy at
more » ... inta (Science and Technology Index), Indonesia's journal indexing machine; (2) searching for book about literature on online bookstore web; (3) doing field studies to determine literacy development in schools and government's role towards it. Based on the research result, it is found that there are 2 literacy journals in Indonesia; there are 9 journal articles related to literacy; there are 12 books related to literacy; there are 60 books about literacy in the bookstore. The government's role in literacy movement in Indonesia is forming School Literacy Movement or Gerakan Literasi Sekolah (GLS) team to optimize literacy movement in schools and in Indonesian society.