Scientific Visualization embedded in High Quality Rendering CG by using OpenGL Fusion Technique
D105 OpenGLフュージョンによる可視化結果と高品質レンダリング画像の合成

Hideo MIYACHI, Yoshihiro ITOH, Takehiro MATSUO, Yoshitaka OHYOSHI, Daiki TANIMAE
2007 Transactions of Visualization Society of Japan  
We have developed OpenGL Fusion technique which allows us to assemble two or more visualization results and CG models into a window without any modification to the original software. This paper describes the enhancement of the technique to support Cg and GLSL commands for high quality rendering. It makes the fusion of photo realistic CG and engineering CG.
doi:10.3154/jvs.27.supplement1_115 fatcat:nxzxifuzenhv3hcorypmodemla