Use of Trilingual Posters as Access Technology to Prenatal of Immigrants

Rafael Zaneripe de Souza Nunes, Stephane Catharine Zavadil, Jacks Soratto, Karin Martins Gomes, Graziela Amboni, Caroline Zaneripe de Souza
2019 Amadeus International Multidisciplinary Journal  
Immigration around the world is an important discussion to study in the context of Public Health. To Brazil, one of the biggest challenges is verbal communication to Haitian and Ghanaian immigrants, as most of them don't speak the language of the immigrant region. Realizing the difficulty in communication and guidance within Public Health, a trilingual information poster was created to serve as a technology for access to these users and to facilitate the work of health professionals in prenatal
more » ... care. The poster was produced through the performance of the Multiprofessional Residency in
doi:10.14295/aimj.v4i7.69 fatcat:jbfnfa7tave27fw5umaccb7tsa