الخصائص السیكومتریة لمقیاس تقدیر النشاط الزائد ونقص الانتباه لدى الأطفال

سمر رجب عزوز محمد, نور أحمد الرمادی, أسماء البیلى السید أبو العلا
2021 مجلة جامعة الفیوم للعلوم التربویة والنفسیة  
The aim of the current research is to verify the psychometric properties of the scale of estimating hyperactivity and attention deficit in children, so the scale was applied to a sample of (120) male and female students from the primary stage (first grade of primary school) for some primary schools in Fayoum governorate for the academic year 2019/2020. The scale has a high degree of arbitrator's validity and internal consistency, and the scale has a good degree of stability.
doi:10.21608/jfust.2021.262667 fatcat:kwffm4dxgvahlfoze4znywek4i