Paternity after vasectomy with two previous semen analyses without spermatozoa

Marcos Lucon, Antonio Marmo Lucon, Fabio Firmbach Pasqualoto, Miguel Srougi
2007 São Paulo Medical Journal  
CONTEXT: The risk of paternity after vasectomy is rare but still exists. Overall failure to achieve sterility after vasectomy occurs in 0.2 to 5.3% of patients due to technical failure or recanalization. The objective of this report was to describe a rare but notable case of proven paternity in which the semen analyses had not given evidence of spermatozoa. CASE REPORT: A 44-year-old vasectomized man whose semen analyses had shown azoospermia became a father four years after sterilization.
more » ... sample DNA analysis on the child and husband proved biological paternity. Vasectomy may fail in the long run even without spermatozoa in semen analysis. The patient must be aware of this possibility.
doi:10.1590/s1516-31802007000200011 pmid:17625712 pmcid:PMC11014694 fatcat:l75gwqjolfe6rlac45v5t4bywi