Measurement of polarization mode dispersion

Brian L. Heffner
1994 Conference on Optical Fiber Communication   unpublished
Polai-ization inode dispet-sion is a fundamental characteristic of optical cornponents and fibers, but its elegant simplicity is often hidden in reports of' new results. This tutoria1 begins with a simple description of polarization niode dispersion and its physical effects, and explores sonie of the resulting characteristics o f optical fiber transmission links arid devices. The capahilities and limitations of i~ variety of polarization mode dispei-siori measurement techniques are discussed
more » ... compared, with special attention paid to measuretnent by wavelength scanning, interlrroinetry, and .Jones matrix eigenanalysis. Results o1 ineasureinents by the different techniques are directly compared for a variety of opticai test devices.
doi:10.1364/ofc.1994.the1 fatcat:jk3eomiugjdq5foczx5xbvjr6m