Efficient Evaluation of Singular Integrals in Moment Methods Applied to Solve Scattering Problems from Bodies of Revolution

U.C. Resende, F.J.S. Moreira, O.M.C. Pereira-Filho, J.A. Vasconcelos, D.N. Schettino
2006 12th Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation  
This work proposes an efficient procedure for evaluating singular integrals arising in the moment method analysis of scattering from bodies of revolution. Perfect electric conductor, dielectric and composite bodies with different electrical sizes and different relative permittivities are analyzed by the CFIE, Müller and PMCHWT integral equation, respectively. It is demonstrated that an efficient singularity removal reduces the number of basis functions necessary to represent the equivalent current distributions.
doi:10.1109/cefc-06.2006.1633000 fatcat:6263lx73wfb45bc4wyksfnriey