Two-photon imaging using adaptive phase compensated ultrashort laser pulses

Peng Xi, Yair Andegeko, Dmitry Pestov, Vadim V. Lovozoy, Marcos Dantus
2009 Journal of Biomedical Optics  
An adaptive pulse shaper controlled by multiphoton intrapulse interference phase scanning was used with a prism-pair compressor to measure and cancel high-order phase distortions introduced by a high-numerical-aperture objective and other dispersive elements of a two-photon laser-scanning microscope. The delivery of broad-bandwidth ͑ϳ100 nm͒, sub-12-fs pulses was confirmed by interferometric autocorrelation measurements at the focal plane. A comparison of two-photon imaging with
more » ... d and secondorder-dispersion compensated laser pulses of the same energy showed a 6-to-11-fold improvement in the two-photon excitation fluorescence signal when applied to cells and tissue, and up to a 19-fold improvement in the second harmonic generation signal from a rat tendon specimen.
doi:10.1117/1.3059629 pmid:19256690 fatcat:pwgh7jl6lvfqtow2a3vubltamu